Cooking for Others

Cooking for the Hospital Hospitality House of Nashville

I feel lucky to have stumbled upon a service opportunity that’s right up my alley. The Hospital Hospitality House is similar to the Ronald McDonald House in that it houses out-of-town families/friends of individuals who are seeking treatment at local hospitals. They try to provide their house guests with homemade meals whenever possible. That’s where crazy people like me come in. I’ve signed up to cook a meal for 15-20 people once a month. I’ve done it two months now, and I absolutely love it! It gives me such a thrill to come up with what to make and drop it off hoping that they will enjoy it.

In August, I made Chicken Chili, cornbread, and Reese’s Peanut Butter Banana bread. I also threw in some salad fixin’s. Below, you can see the 40+ cups of chili I made. Whoa!

In September, I attempted to simplify the menu a bit. I made BBQ Meatloaf, Broccoli/Cheddar/Pepper Jack Mac n Cheese, and Chocolate Toffee Pecan bars.

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